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The big Kahuna

19 juin 2004

Je vous livre ci-dessous la totalite de mes

Je vous livre ci-dessous la totalite de mes emotions et impressions quelques heures apres avoir ete selectionne pour tester le tout nouveau compte email gmail de Google. Le message email a ete envoye a mes amis et cops. En Anglais bien sur.


Can you believe it? Here we are at with 1Gig storage or
1,000mb free for me to use as I want. Just thought I would send you
the latest grab in my obsessive email forays. This may well be the
last, even if I am still likely to ask for an swallang account from
them in the future, for what ever reason! But this current one will
always be here as long as Google and I are here. I will make it my
primary as soon I am done with the beta testing phase. In the
meantime, is a close second with its 100mb storage.

I will make a concerted effort to phase out of the other myriad
accounts that I have accumulated and that keep confusing those in need
of contacting me. This account would enable me to centralize our
family pics, blogs, and other exploits as we see fit.
Also I will never need to delete another email message ever again
because in my lifetime I will never be able to fill up this much
space. So rest assured none of your messages will ever be bounced back
to you because my mailbox is full.

You are probably wondering how come I got this account since it is not
readily available to the public yet! Well, I was invited to test run
it and I am extremely delighted at the opportunity. I am sure
everything is possible if you really wanted one of these monsters.

So when I look back at my string of aliases and email destinations on
the Net, it is alarming that I haven't been crushed by spammers since
I have an address in more places than I care to count:

to name just a few. Do I check them all? Yes I do, but with different
levels of frequency and for different purposes.

Anyway. Why do you or should you care about all this? Well, this is
pretty cool for me and I thought you may want to know that I have
found the BIG KAHUNA! and the search is over. If not, press d...

Bo Bimi

The big Kahuna